Biohacker Bryan Johnson’s sleep hacks have gone viral but we're asking the experts to find out exactly how effective these ...
In a tough conversation, it is easy to lose our cool, regret it and wonder what we could have done better. Consultant Cynthia ...
There is a truth universally acknowledged that kids need sleep, a lot of sleep. Yet, most adolescents fall short of the eight ...
Pancreatic cancer is fueled by connections to the nervous system. This is reported by scientists from the German Cancer ...
The surge of neurochemicals during orgasm mirrors those that influence many daily processes-but in overdrive. The brain's ...
Overall, while ideas around sex, such as the morality of premarital sex or taboos against certain activities, may have ...
Research has documented a clear link between chronic pain and development of cardiovascular disease through activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for “fight-or ...
Nasty honking in traffic, the scent of perfume, a jarring musical note, an unpleasant film scene, or even an offhand comment — sometimes, the smallest things ca ...
What is the sympathetic nervous system and what is its role? The sympathetic nervous system is a branch of the autonomic nervous system responsible for the "fight or flight" response. It prepares the ...
The nervous system guides almost everything we think, feel, and do; including functions like movement, memory, digestion, heartbeat, breathing, response to pain, and body temperature regulation. We ...
Most want access to quality health care. However, the problems plaguing our health care system shape the way many think about health. Expected to pick themselves up by their own bootstraps ...
Gov. Bob Ferguson announced a state rapid response team Monday to try to help families of those targeted for deportation by the Trump administration. The Family Separation Rapid Response Team ...