The city has eight design options for residents in the neighborhood to choose from in a vote on Wednesday, March 12.
These local elections will be the first held since a new state law took effect tightening voter ID requirements.
The window narrowed to reverse the $1 billion in cuts to D.C.’s budget as senators prepared to vote on the continuing ...
On behalf of the kids at Lakeland I write this to you. Because I am not 18, I asked my mom to post this for me. I hope you might take a few minutes to consider my thoughts in this letter to you.
Eight Democrats joined the Michigan GOP to urge the Michigan High School Athletic Association to ban transgender kids from girl sports.
If passed, Constitutional Amendment 3 would remove the crime list from the state constitution, making it easier for lawmakers ...
After more than six hours of debate, the Washington State House passed House Bill 1296 at 2:15 a.m. Thursday morning, along ...
House and Senate Republicans are now running two significantly different versions of the bill, which the GOP hopes will ...
The upcoming election on constitutional amendments has sparked public outcry concerning Amendment 3, which gives authority to ...