On Wednesday, 31 metric tons of Chinese medicinal herbs from Laos entered China through the Mengkang Port on the China-Laos ...
Turistas de Laos y Tailandia llegan a la estación de tren de Xishuangbanna en la ciudad de Jinghong, prefectura autónoma dai ...
Empleados ayudan a turistas de Laos y Tailandia a pasar una barrera de boletos en la estación de ferrocarril de Xishuangbanna ...
They are the first tour group from ASEAN countries to visit the Dai Autonomous Prefecture of Xishuangbanna in southwest China ...
The China-Myanmar Badminton Open kicks off in #Yunnan #Ruili, swinging rackets to bring out friendship and passion! #Badminton ...
The ethnic Yi people in Yongren County in China's Yunnan celebrated the 1,300-year-old "Saizhuang Jie" on Feb. 12. This vibrant folk event, known as the ancient "village fashion show," saw locals of ...
China released on Monday a new visa relaxation policy, allowing tour groups from ASEAN countries to visit Xishuangbanna, a popular tourist destination in the country's southwestern Yunnan Province, ...
在大陆兼职做英语导游的台湾姑娘徐沁馨新年首次带团时发现:北京慕田峪长城上“长满”外国人。2024年以来,从韩国人挤满上海武康路到来中国大陆过春节的外国游客数创新高,“China Travel” (中国游)持续火爆,也给大陆台籍旅游业者带来机遇。
The world's first panoramic trainin dependently developed by China officially begins operation in Lijiang City, Yunnan ...
2月6日,中文双方发表《中华人民共和国和文莱达鲁萨兰国关于深化战略合作伙伴关系、推进中文命运共同体建设的联合声明》。《声明》中提到,文方感谢中方对持普通护照的文莱公民实施停留不超过30天的单方面免签政策。中方欢迎文方决定给予持普通护照的中国公民14天 ...
俄罗斯大亚洲电视台、美国第二大西班牙语电视网Telemundo、英国ALBUK电视台、匈牙利国家电视台、巴西《伯南布哥日报》、布隆迪国家通讯社、印度亚洲新闻社、法国21世纪战略家网站、日本Record China网站等多家海外主流媒体播发转载相关报道 ...