In the course of scientific research, beautiful images can appear in simulations, under microscopes or in photography. They can offer a window into the process of scientific research to the public, as ...
The Center aims to build bridges between communities, societies, and nations through closer interactions between science and diplomacy and elevate the role of science in foreign policy to address ...
How did Mondrian convey the sense of a tree with so little? The science of trees may offer some clues. One goal of mathematical biology is to synthesize what scientists know about the vast ...
The story of Homo sapiens is written largely in artifacts. Countless tools, potsherds, and other relics line museum shelves, illuminating the world of our ancestors. But most of the time, this ...
Source: Featured on PDR in the collection The Surreal Art of Alchemical Diagrams Art and science make for strange bedfellows. Art traffics in images and sounds, science in numbers and graphs.