"Inside Out 2," the highest-grossing film of 2024 from Pixar Animation Studios, was nominated for Best Animated Feature. 20th Century Studios received two nods for Best Visual Effects across "Alien: ...
Major news events of the day are examined by the Eyewitness News Team along with the latest business, sports, weather and rush-hour traffic in New York City.
The ABC11 Eyewitness News team reports on the most impactful stories of the day, offers an in-depth look at breaking local, regional, and national news, and tracks the local forecast with the First ...
The 13 Eyewitness weekend news team provides a look at local, regional and national news and the latest information on local traffic and weather issues.
The news affecting the city, the state and the nation is reviewed by the Eyewitness Weekend News Team, along with the latest weather and traffic reports.