We would like to acknowledge the support of the six hundred people listed below who have made donations to the Alameda Post or joined our community as members in the last 12 months. Grants, sponsors, ...
For about a week, a medium-sized brown-and-white stray dog had been on the run in Alameda, evading capture. “Every time someone so much as glanced at her, she bolted,” says Alameda Animal Control ...
At the beginning of historian George Gunn’s essential book on Alameda’s Victorian-era architecture, there is a list of the 23 oldest homes in town. The text states, “The following buildings were ...
On Monday, February 10, District 18 Assemblymember Mia Bonta introduced a new bill, AB 489, to protect Californians from AI systems that misrepresent “themselves” as health professionals. Specifically ...
In a well-attended meeting on February 10, the Planning Board held a public workshop to guide staff on drafting a Short-Term Rental Ordinance. The ordinance would regulate rentals of less than 30 days ...
In a well-attended meeting on February 4, City Council received an update on the Alameda Police Department (APD), which revealed a strong increase in hiring, improvements in training and technology ...
In a breakthrough for climate workforce development, the partnership between REAP, Greenbelt Alliance, and Pacific Coast Community Services was selected to receive a $530,760 Catalyst Grant. Photo ...
Flying in from Sproat Lake on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, a World War II-era plane called the Philippine Mars landed in Seaplane Lagoon at about 4 p.m. on Sunday, February 9. The Alameda ...
Marketing to the active aging person, products often put a negative spin on aqua workout classes, implying that the classes are for “old people,” unlike what they are selling you, like a gentle yoga ...
At its meeting on Tuesday, February 11, the Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) Board of Education discussed Measure I and Measure B expenditures and explored student and District progress ...
Nehemiah Clark learned the potter’s trade in his home state of Ohio. He arrived in California in 1850 and decided to put his skills to work in Sacramento. To that end, he purchased clay deposits at ...