Alexandra Méndez García is an Puerto Rican art historian. She holds an MA from the University of Texas at Austin where she ...
The filmmaker Sofía Gallisá Muriente’s most recent exhibition, Unknown Unknowns, at PROXYCO gallery in New York contends with ...
Role Change, 1970I give myself a haircut using the video system as a mirror. It is completely private, no one in ...
When you have as many critics as Dave Hickey, you don’t hope to publish a book quietly so much as attract the right kind… ...
Maintenance I: Role Change, 1970 I give myself a haircut using the video system as a mirror. It is completely private, no one in… ...
Maintenance I: Role Change, 1970 I give myself a haircut using the video system as a mirror. It is completely private, no one in… ...
Maintenance I: Role Change, 1970 I give myself a haircut using the video system as a mirror. It is completely private, no one in… ...
Maintenance I: Role Change, 1970 I give myself a haircut using the video system as a mirror. It is completely private, no one in… ...
Maintenance I: Role Change, 1970 I give myself a haircut using the video system as a mirror. It is completely private, no one in… ...
Maintenance I: Role Change, 1970 I give myself a haircut using the video system as a mirror. It is completely private, no one in… ...
Maintenance I: Role Change, 1970 I give myself a haircut using the video system as a mirror. It is completely private, no one in… ...