The House Standing Committee on Economics has released its report on Australia’s four major banks, concluding a series of annual public hearings throughout the 47 th Parliament with executives from ...
The National Food Plan should be developed in consultation with state/territory and local governments, along with relevant sectors, stakeholders, and the community.
The National Food Plan should be developed in consultation with state/territory and local governments, along with relevant sectors, stakeholders, and the community.
Public hearings scheduled to take place are subject to change. Public hearings scheduled to take place when the Senate is sitting are subject to approval of the Senate ...
An index to papers presented in the House of Representatives and the Senate.
To provide an accurate, substantially verbatim account of the proceedings of the parliament and its committees which, while usually correcting obvious mistakes, neither adds to nor detracts from the ...
House of Representatives Practice is the comprehensive and authoritative text on the procedure and practice of the House of Representatives. This seventh edition was published in June 2018. View House ...
2.70The Committee supports the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between Australia and the United Arab Emirates and recommends that binding treaty action be taken.
2.70The Committee supports the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between Australia and the United Arab Emirates and recommends that binding treaty action be taken.
The Delegated Legislation Monitor (the monitor) provides an overview of the committee's scrutiny of instruments of delegated legislation for the preceding period. Instruments of delegated legislation ...
2.150The committee recommends that a requirement be introduced for superannuation trustee boards to have a majority of independent directors, and an independent Chair.
2.221That the government consider establishing a mechanism for periodic review of the operation of the wholesale investor and client tests; and that any such mechanism include mandatory requirements ...