A fascinating sociological theatre experiment took place last night. The German finance behemoth Deutsche Bank paid for ...
I had the pleasure of seeing the much-loved comedian Angela Barnes, in her wonderfully crafted show, Angst at Leicester ...
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I doubt if many of you reading this review will remember the height of the Cold War. A period when it felt that there was a constant threat of invasion, or poss ...
The Glitch is a cafe/bar in Lower Marsh, five minutes' walk from the Old Vic with a performing space in the basement. It is ...
This isn’t the sort of show I’d ordinarily go for these days. It’s a bit like those shows at the Edinburgh Fringe that take a ...
Cry-Baby, The Musical started life as Cry-Baby the movie written and directed by John Walters, set as are many of his movies ...
Henry VIII ruled England over 500 years ago, and yet there is an almost obsessive fascination with the period of his reign that permeates every aspect of life today. On TV the third part of Wolf ...
In a show that feels like it unfolds in real time, too much of a narrative is condensed into a single evening to the point where it felt artificial. Aaron (Cameron Emil Jarvis), a student ...
WAKE is an electrifying Irish variety phenomenon that remixes traditions in a high-octane, heart-thumping celebration of life and connection. Welcome to WAKE, w ...