Below is a listing of upcoming trainings offered by OADS. Click on the class link to view details and register for a class. Click on the Date/Class/Location header to sort the listing. If you have ...
You may search by Position Type, either MLS (Master of Library Science) or non-MLS or by Library Type (Academic, Public, School, or Special). You may only search by one field at a time. Most recent ...
NOTICE for 2025 - Park Closure Notice - Cobscook Bay State Park and Aroostook State Park are closed to ensure that major improvements to the parks can proceed safely. We hope to be ready by the end of ...
The Secretary of State is authorized to issue a temporary registration permit for the purpose of moving certain vehicles otherwise required to be registered. A transit plate can be issued for a ...
Welcome to the Office of the State Treasurer. We provide state agencies with efficient banking and financial services, which include revenue collection, payment issuance, reconciliation, and trust ...
Maine Healthy Soils Program was created to provide farmers with resources to adapt their farms to a changing climate. Healthy soils are, literally, the foundation of a resilient agricultural system, ...
The Climate Council Coordinator will help the state to successfully implement climate strategies in the state’s climate action plan. This includes tracking progress towards the goals and targets in ...
Tarlan Ahmadov es el director de la Oficina de Nuevos Estadounidenses (ONA) y aporta más de dos décadas de experiencia en el servicio público, el desarrollo de la fuerza laboral y el reasentamiento de ...
OFI offers no-cost webinars for community partners and others who help people navigate the OFI systems for MaineCare, SNAP, and TANF. We welcome case managers, social workers, community partners, and ...
The Drinking Water Program has a number of funding programs available to help public water systems improve operations and management. Click on the links below for more information about each funding ...
The primary responsibility of the Board is to examine, certifyand register qualifying applicants for a certificate to practice public accounting in the State; to revoke, suspend or refuse to renew any ...
Welcome! The Bureau of Financial Institutions supervises all state-chartered financial institutions including banks, credit unions, and non-depository trust companies. Our team remains committed to ...