Comments from WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, PhD, his most direct to date on the US cuts, come as regional ...
Breaking: The WHO issued its starkest warning yet on the consequences of the abrupt cessation of U.S. global health funding, ...
(法新社日内瓦17日综合外电报导)世界卫生组织(WHO)秘书长谭德塞今天敦促华府重新思考大幅削减全球卫生资金的行动,警告突然断炊将威胁数以百万计民众的性命。 谭德塞(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)警告,光是中断全球人类免疫缺乏病毒(HIV,即爱滋病毒)计画就会导致「超过1000万例HIV新增病例及300万例HIV相关死亡病例」。
20 小时
Them on MSNWHO Warns That Eight Countries Could Soon Run Out of HIV Medications Due to USAID CutsWHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that disruptions “could undo 20 years of progress” on HIV.
En la misma línea, la directora del Departamento de Inmunización, Vacunas y Productos Biológicos de la OMS, Katherine O'Brien, sostuvo que las reducciones "ponen vidas en peligro", unos "cientos de ...
Di ogbonge health bodi World Health Organisation(WHO) don tok say suspension of funding through di United States Agency for ...
Eight countries - six of them in Africa, including Nigeria, Kenya and Lesotho - could soon run out of HIV drugs following the US ...
About 107,000 people in the world may die in 2025 due to the termination of the US funding for the fight against malaria – as stated by ...
The World Health Organisation, WHO, has listed Nigeria among eight countries likely to run out of supply HIV treatment soon.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the Donald Trump administration rsquo;s decision to pause U .