Phase-shift mask - Wikipedia
Phase-shift masks are photomasks that take advantage of the interference generated by phase differences to improve image resolution in photolithography. There exist alternating[1] and attenuated phase shift masks. [2] .
相移掩模 - 百度百科
相移掩模(Phase Shift Mask, PSM)是同时利用 光线 的强度和相位来成像,得到更高分辨率的一种 分辨率 增强技术 [1]。 相移掩模是一项通过改变光束相位来提高 光刻分辨率,其基本原理是通过改变 掩模 结构,使得透过相邻透光区域的光波产生180度的相位差,二者在像面上特定区域内会发生相消 干涉,减小光场中暗场的光强,增大亮区的光场,以提高 对比度,改善 分辨率 [2]。
Photo Lithography 光刻工艺 (2) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年10月7日 · Phase Shift Mask (PSM) 相移掩模: 改变光束相位来提高 光刻分辨率。 其基本原理是通过改变掩膜结构,使得透过相邻透光区域的光波产生180度的相位差,二者在像面上特定区域内…
2.4.2 Phase-Shifting Masks - TU Wien
The operation principle and the most important types of phase-shifting masks are shown in Figure 2.6. A detailed overview on phase-shifting masks including pros and cons of various approaches, the fabrication process as well as repair and inspection issues can be found in .
Phase-Shift Masks - SPIE
Phase-shift masks (PSMs) work by adding phase information to the mask in addition to amplitude information. A binary chrome-on-glass mask encodes the information about where to position resist edges using chrome (with zero amplitude transmittance) and …
Phase-Shift Lithography - SpringerLink
2014年1月1日 · Phase shift lithography is a lithographic technique to pattern sub-wavelength features by using a transparent phase shift mask and relies on the pi-optical phase-change of the exposure light field.
phase shifting masks, experience is scarce, and intuitions are hard to develop. Therefore, a systematic technique to determine suboptimal, if not optimal, pre-distorted masks can facilitate conventional and phase-shifting mask de- sign. In this paper, we propose ways of …
Many types of phase-shifting masks, such as Levenson type, self-aligned ring type, out-rigger type [4], [5] have been proposed. While these conceptual models exploit the intuition gained from optics, they are ad hoc and non- systematic. A systematic approach to phase-shifting mask design based on Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm was
Phase-shifting masks for microlithography: automated design and mask …
We propose a computationally viable algorithm for the rapid design of phase-shifting masks for arbitrary two-dimensional patterns. Our approach is based on the use of a class of optimal coherent approximations to partially coherent imaging systems described by the Hopkins model.
【光刻】相移掩模 Phase Shift Mask (PSM) - Chip Manufacturing
相移掩模(Phase Shift Mask, PSM)是同时利用光线的强度和相位来成像,得到更高分辨率的一种分辨率增强技术 [1]。 相移掩模种类很多,其改善光刻分辨力的机理和能力也有差异,但其基本原理主要是在掩模图形的相邻透光区引入180°(或其奇数倍)的位相差或再辅之以透过率变化(衰减PSM),以改变相邻图形衍射光束之间的干涉状态;通过相邻透光区光场的相消干涉,减小光场分布中暗区的光强、增大亮区的光场,以提高对比度、改善分辨力;或者用相邻图形的位相梯 …