约 23,800 个结果
  1. What is the correct usage of "P.S." in Emails?

    @PraveshParekh yes, PS is sloppy; it rescues your signal-to-noise by making it less clear what the purpose of your email was as a PS comment may be an entirely different subject matter (and perhaps should be a different email) or an aside, or something you thought of that needs an urgent response.

  2. Using P.S. in a formal email - Writing Stack Exchange

    A postscript is a passage at the end of a letter, following the signature. It only makes sense in the context of a letter composed by hand or on a typewriter, to accommodate an afterthought when you have already finished your letter, and don't want to retype or rewrite the whole thing again.

  3. Is P.S. (Post Script) still useful in the age of email?

    @Neil Fein, I disagree. It can be used to deliver a punch line, that could even change the interpretation of what comes before (a taste matter). About climax, it would be ineffective since the "PS" comes after an "implicit" break, while I think a climax should be tied, and be a "continuum" altogether with the rest of the text –

  4. grammar - Formal letter: capitalization after salutation? - Writing ...

    2020年6月20日 · In many formal letters, the first word after the salutation (e.g. "Dear Sir or Madam,") is the pronoun I, which is always capitalized. However, I recently wrote a letter for which this is...

  5. Precedence: P.S or Address? - Writing Stack Exchange

    This answer isn't taking into account the marketing perspective (perhaps for good reason) -- people read the PS and marketers use that. While tech has advanced, the day-to-day person still sees things for what they were and presume what they are receiving is a digital of what they would have physically received.

  6. 在国内如何购买正版PhotoShop? - 知乎


  7. 2024年了,ps用哪个版本好? - 知乎

    我是从2016开始接触ps软件的,当时最开始下载的PS CS6版本,到现在已经换上了2024的版本,作为设计师,无论学习还是工作都中建议用新版,因为每年都在更新,功能也越来越多,使用自然也越来越高效。关键也要学会与时俱进。

  8. ps哪个版本比较好用? - 知乎

    那么到底哪个版本最好用呢?这是很多ps新手比较关心的问题。 我从06年开始接触ps,到现在也有十多年了。我说说自己使用PS的心得感受,仅供参考。 从06年到现在,我经历了ps的10来个版本的更新。

  9. style - Post scriptum in my soft diary - Writing Stack Exchange

    I will make specific mention, however (as I did there), of Karen Hertzberg's blog post "What PS Means and How to Use It Correctly in Your Email". It expands on the idea of using postscripts stylistically. But all of that aside, you can literally do whatever …

  10. Photoshop 2024新版本,目前有必要用到吗? - 知乎

    Photoshop 2024都出来了,2023还没用过,目前在用cs6,有必要用最新版本的ps吗?